08:30 - 09:00

Registration & Refreshments

09:00 - 09:05

Chairs opening remarks

A warm welcome to all delegates, followed by a brief summary of the day's main topics.

09:05 - 09:45

Panel Discussion: Metrics that matter: Communicating the value of your measurement function to your board

With PR budgets being slashed across the board, measurement is often the first part of that PR budget to go. With this in mind, this session focuses on how to do measurement right and discusses setting goals and metrics, to ensure that your PR efforts align with your company's overall strategy and provide yout C-suite with greater Brand Awareness.

It will focus on: 

  • Prioritising the value of communication - getting your C-suite to speak the language of communication and understand the ROI and longevity of PR campaigns. 
  • Cutting through vanity metrics: Identify what metrics matter in measuring the success of your campaigns and better metrics to focus on. 
  • The death of Advertising Value Equivalency in measurement? 
  • Correctly identifying issues your measurement function is trying to address
Moderator: PRWeek Editorial team

09:45 - 10:05

Sponsor Keynote - Onclusive

This keynote is reserved for our event partner Onclusive. More info to follow shortly!

10:05 - 10:30

Brand case study: Measurement Framework

Hear from a brand who provides us with an overview of their measurement framework that was launched 2 years ago and details the improvements they have made that have helped them to drive customer retention and prevent customers from lapsing. Finally, the session concludes with details of their new campaign launching in September 2024.

10:30 - 11:05 | NETWORKING BREAK

11:05 - 11:45

Panel Discussion: Frameworks on a Budget

This session will discuss successful measurement frameworks, tips & tricks to implement in your own framework, how to do this even when budgets are tight, and what you can start doing for free today.

  • Growing measurement on a tight budget 
  • Social listening - Social media tools you should be using 
  • Emerging trends - If you need to spend money, where are the essential places to spend? 
  • Predictive analytics - What can past investment in measurement tell us about where things are going next?

11:45 - 12:05

Sponsor Keynote

This keynote is reserved for our event partner Maha Global. More info to follow shortly!

12:05 - 12:30

Case study: An update from the Government Communication Service: The GCS Evaluation Cycle

Just over 6 months on from its launch, we will hear from the Government Communication Service, who will give us an update on how they have implemented the Evaluation Cycle and the key benefits seen.

This session will:

  • Highlight key changes between the old framework and the new approach
  • Discuss how they have embedded the Evaluation Cycle across government, engaging colleagues, making evaluation more accessible and driving culture change 
  • Share some tips and tricks based their learnings 
  • Discuss successes, learnings and future plans

12:30 - 13:30 | NETWORKING LUNCH

13:30 - 13:50

Session coming soon

Check back soon to find out more

13:50 - 13:55 | Change Over Break

13:55 - 14:35

Roundtable sessions

1. Upskilling your team - what skills does your team need in 2024? 
2. Measurement on a shoestring: what is essential to focus on when budgets are tight? 
3. AI in measurement - How can AI help you? 
4. Implementing frameworks - what works best for your business?

14:35 - 14:40 | Change Over Break

14:40 - 15:00

Case study: How an established brand placed priority on PR measurement

  • From ideation to conception: using measurement as a guiding tool to inform success 
  • Building on the past: how lessons and data from the past should inform your future strategies 
  • Highlighting the end result - what are the next steps going forward?

15:00 - 15:20

Sponsor Keynote

This keynote is reserved for our event partner CARMA. More info to follow shortly!

15:20 - 15:50 | NETWORKING BREAK

15:50 - 16:30

Panel Discussion: AI and your Measurement Function

With an ever-increasing range of AI tools and packages on the market, this session discusses what tools and processes can actually help in reducing workloads and automating tasks.

  • Overview of current tools and technologies 
  • How AI can make things easier for smaller comms teams 
  • What tasks can never be automated? 
  • How can we work with suppliers to tailor packages?

Moderator: PRWeek Editorial team

16:30 - 16:35

Chairs closing remarks

16:35 | Close of conference